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Governments have defined the corporate purpose as a continuous contribution to the
sustainable development of global society via practicing ESG (Environmental, Social,
Governance) management. In accordance, central banks and major asset management
firms shifted from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism, now considering ESG
an essential factor when making investment decisions.

BIONEER will establish an ESG committee under the Board of Directors to strategize the
roadmap to achieve RE100. The company will strengthen its competitive edge to investors
by developing innovative biotechnology, which will contribute to reaching Net-Zero. In
addition, BIONEER is in progress to form the Occupational Health and Safety Committee
and Information Security Committee under the Board of Directors. With all the internal
frameworks to be established, BIONEER aims to accomplish the company's sustainable
growth and continuous increase in shareholder value.


  • Company :
  • Address :
    71, Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

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